Sunday, September 13, 2009

Rather handy, aren't we?

I've decided on another bath mitt for my travel knitting. It will be easy, useful, and can be done on a circular needle, minimizing risk of losing a needle mid-project. I've rolled a ball of yarn from a massive skein of Sugar and Cream cotton yarn, cast onto a circular needle, and knit a few rows. This way, I can pack the project into a carry on with enough work not to simply slide off the needle and unravel, and I'm all set for hours of mindless knitting- if the Milk Monster lets me.

I am also obsessed with the idea of mittens for him. Probably thumbless and preferably in a yarn that provides some color interest, as this bath mitt is a dye-free but boring cream color. The other project on my needles, his other sock, is in a charming yellow-green, but I'm looking for something, well, not green or yellow. And the fact that I tire of those two colors is all my fault.

Zak's sex was a surprise because I planned it that way. I wanted a bit of the mystery, the speculation, and the freedom from what would have been an all-blue wardrobe for him had it been known that he was a boy. At least he's now got three colors dominating his wardrobe: green, yellow, and blue. But for a knitter who glories in a variety of color, it's not enough- not nearly enough. I'd like to work in rich browns, somber greys, and deep, clear burgundies. In short, I want to work in non-baby colors for my baby.

I've got an easy baby mitten pattern set aside, and it calls for sock yarn doubled. Maybe I'll strand together deep blue and beige, or burgundy and apricot. I may do a hand-painted yarn- I've got to do something to relieve the monochrome blues.

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