Monday, August 10, 2009


Asalaamu alaikum. I'm Umm Zakaria, a new mother, writer, knitter, home soapmaker, and general crafty sort of gal. I've had a few blogs over the years, most of which I'd pulp if you could do that to a blog. But I've decided to try yet again, because I felt I needed a dedicated space for all the things that strike my fancy and the things dearest to me.

If I weren't terribly shy about it, I'd write a book about the past two years. I married in the spring of 2007, and I am now waiting for my divorce to become final, as the man who was my husband is a violent and quite unstable man. I fled my marital home in October 2008, while 3 months pregnant with Zak. You'll understand that I won't be disclosing my exact location in this or any blog, but I will say that I reside in the United States.

What helped me survive, in part, was crafting. To transform one thing into another, to bring into being something that previously existed only in my head, saved me. I knit and crochet but have not yet learned to sew. I also make soap and other body products. To make something that can be used, that is pleasing to the eye and comforting to the soul, wasn't something I'd planned on even three years ago. But I'm on a grand adventure called life, and the satisfaction I get from watching a pot of oil and lye become soap is greater than some have in life, and that's enough to be grateful.

Speaking of grand adventures, a few months ago, someone else's life started, and that someone is inexpressibly dear to me. Zak is the handsomest Milk Monster in the world, and if I had to go through a 35 hour labor ending in a C-section again for him, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Perhaps not a heartbeat- I'd want something to eat first. (Curse that OB wench who overruled my midwife and wouldn't let me have water, even.)

As you can see, there's a good amount for me to elaborate on, if you care to stay tuned for the story of how "Christmas Crack" got its name (it's a brown sugar scrub that I make), the latest rubbish that my ex has spouted to try to scare me/get me back, and the most ridiculous baby items that have been purchased for Zak. Ahlan wa sahlan.

Oh, and you may have noticed that I'm Muslim, too. More on that later.

1 comment:

  1. Salam sister!
    I found you on Anne-Marie's blog and started reading yours a bit. sounds like you are having a rough time, I'm so sorry to hear that. InshaAllah things can only get easier for you!

    What sorts of soaps do you make and what other things? Have you looked into selling on

    Best of luck!
