Thursday, August 13, 2009

Snarky, Snarkier, Snarkiest.

It's not unusual to come across cattiness on the Internet; I suppose I was due for some, as I've not had any in a while.
The woman's, well, a bit unstable, but the situation I presented wasn't exactly cut-and-dried, so she probably went off her rocker trying to understand it. My ex has created a holy hell of this divorce, and I'm just trying to get out of it and get custody of Zak. There's issues of adultery (his), abuse, (his against me) pregnancy during proceedings (mine) and the fact that neither of us reside in the state where he filed anymore. Enough to give anyone a headache, ne c'est pas?
Then I'm accused of fraud because I can't alter what my ex and his lawyer have filed or even when he filed. Short of a time machine or a cool million, I can't think of any way out of this but through the mess he made.
I should be used to this by now; it was my fault when he hit me, my fault he had to go and see other women, my fault he signed up with an escort service. I just figured that it would stop being my fault at some point, but apparently, someone will blame me when my ex forgets his next wife's birthday. Oh, well.
I did get a bit of my own back in some snarky emails. She replied. I won't bother any further with her nonsense. Besides, it's too hot for all that.


  1. awwww :(
    It's not your fault! I hope all this gets sorted out soon!

  2. I closed my account with the site, after reporting her to the site admins. I'm moving on- life is too short for that nonsense.
