Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What I won't be blogging about.

There are a few topics that interest me, so much so that I refuse to blog about them.
1. Politics. Too many excellent political blogs, and too little that hasn't been said about the issues at hand.
2. Recipes for my body products. I may discuss the products I offer, and the adventures I have making them, but if I'm going to offer them for sale, why would I give out the exact recipe?
3. Religion, for the most part. I have a spot where I blog about that, so I may make a reference here and there, most of my religious ramblings will be on that blog.
4. My current location.

What I ought to blog about less:
1. My ex. It's over. I plan to announce the end of the divorce proceedings, but that ought to be it, really.
2. The tough time I get over parenting the way I do. Zak's my kid. Not my mom's kid, not the neighbor's kid, not my sister's friend's kid.
3. How tough it will be to be a single mom.

What I ought to blog about more:
1. Zak. He's pretty danged awesome.
2. Neat stuff I discover on a daily basis. Did you know that wool emits heat as it dries? How cool is that?
3. Stuff that will get me more money- just kidding.
4. My hopes for Zak and I as we enter this new chapter of our lives.

Any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. Well just make sure you blog about those other topics in the proper place and SOON!!!!

    As Salaam Alaikum
